Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Hirsch's Centurion hosts the Defy Junior Super Chef Competition



Lidene Lubbe (8), a pupil at Wierdapark Laerskool was the winner of the 1st Gauteng leg of the popular Hirsch and Defy Junior Super Chef competition that was held in the Hirsch Centurion recently.  Lidene won a Defy hand Blender together with a Defy hamper and Cookery Book, and will go on to compete in the Regional Finals of the competition that is being held at the Hirsch’s Fourways Branch on July 11.


Ten contestants, ranging in age from 8 to 13, battled it out on the showroom floor. They had to show off their cooking skills, using a mystery bag of products and cooking on a Snappy Chef induction plate and Defy Microwave Air oven to impress judges:  Chefs Paul Lotter and Trudie Jansen van Vuuren, Lourine Wannenburg (semi-finalist in the Kokkedoor and Koekedoor reality cooking show on KykNet), and Magda Mitton, Hirsch’s HR Manager.


Speaking on behalf of the judges, Trudie Jansen van Vuuren said that she was extremely impressed by the way the little chef’s handled themselves in this particular environment where they had to cook in front of an audience. “Their menus were planned and well thought out and the food was absolutely delicious.” She said.


Lourine’s parents, Tania and Herman Lubbe and her entire support group including her sister Elandri, were overwhelmed with excitement. “This competition ran so smoothly and professionally, and it was made so special for the children – we were so impressed.  You definitely exceeded our expectations. Everybody was a winner!” Said Tania.


Second place was a tie and went to 13 year old Ian van Nieuwenhuizen and 8 year old Lihle Cristovao.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Hirsch's Centurion hosts Banting Cooking Demo

On Saturday we hosted a very successful Banting Cooking Demonstration, in partnership with Whirlpool.


Our guest chef, Willem Gons, discussed the benefits of the Banting (also known as Prof Tim Noakes diet) way of life. The concept of the Banting diet is to eat foods with a high fat content, medium protein and low carbohydrates.  Sugars are completely cut from the diet, and fruit is limited to berries – due to the high sugar content. Vegetables that are grown “underground” are avoided as well as all forms of flour, rice and beans – which are all high in carbohydrates.


The Recipes that were demonstrated using the Whirlpool Jet Chef, were Banting burgers made from scratch, a Pumpkin bread and Milk Tart for dessert.  Almond Flour and Phsyllium husks were used in the place of normal flour, and Xylitol in the place of sugar. Willem had the audience hanging on his lips and spoke from personal experience – sharing how he has lost 22kg’s since changing his eating habits – and his Doctor is astounded with the drop in his Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.


One of our guests, Michelle Oosthuysen, has lost 34kg’s since starting with Banting, and was an inspiration to all who attended the morning.


Afterwards everybody had a chance to taste of the wonderful dishes, and all were in agreement that the meal was delicious and that taste is definitely not sacrificed.


Hirsch's Centurion hosts Ladies Networking Morning

The Myth of work/life Balance


At the Monthly Ladies Networking Event held at Centurion recently, Louise Huyser was announced the June finalist of the Margaret Hirsch Woman in Business Achiever Award.  Louise is the owner of the Profession Hub – a Recruitment and HR Services Provider.  She started the business in 2009 and dealing with various industries and cultures provides overall leadership and guidance for both Employers and Employees.


The Guest Speaker for the event was Lori Milner from Beyond the Dress.  Lori facilitates and connects Business Women through tailored programs that address the unique challenges and needs facing the modern corporate woman, helping them retain their passion for life, and she spoke on ‘The Myth of work/life balance’ touching on the need for many woman to stay in control of every aspect of their lives, encouraging them to:

·         Say No – as women we often feel that ‘we must’ be everything to everybody, and we need to learn to say no graciously.

·         Delegate – we need to realise that although others might do things differently, our way is not the ‘only’ way.

·         Be Present – be mindful and live our lives in the present, to focus on the here and now and enjoy every moment,  focussing on doing one thing at a time.

·         Stop trying to be perfect – remember that despite our imperfections ‘we are enough’;  to be kind to ourselves and prepared to own our ‘stories’ even if they are messy;  to be authentic - without pretence.

·         Start with gratitude – not focus on what we aren’t or don’t have, but on those things that we are, and do have.


An opportunity was given afterwards to Sonja from the Clothes2Good Initiative to speak regarding the project, which is currently running in conjunction with Hirsch’s stores.  A request went out to those in attendance to show their support by donating their unwanted clothes.


Wedding Expo and Cake Tasting

I spent the day at The Wedding Warehouse’s Wedding Show and Cake Tasting, promoting the Hirsch’s online Wedding Registry with the wedding planners, couples – and their parents – who visited the day.


With over 20 mouth-watering cakes available for tasting as well as various different wedding related services on display such as Photographers, Wedding Planners, an Ante-nuptial contracts lawyer and of course Hirsch’s, the event was perfect for couples planning to get married.


The Event was hosted by The Wedding Warehouse – the largest of its kind in South Africa – and they went to a lot of trouble to ensure the success of the day.  With a variety of live music – including a saxophonist, there was a lovely vibe despite the biting cold of the day. 


Hirsch's Centurion Hosts Domestic Worker Course

Behind every successful family is an effective Domestic Worker.


Hirsch’s Centurion regards the hosting of their monthly Domestic Workers Course as one of the highlights of the month. Explains PR and Marketing Manager, Joanne Brunette, “It’s also the time we honour these most valuable members of our households with the coveted “Domestic Worker of the Month Award”.  This month, Catherine Sonto Silinda was our monthly winner – and the proud recipient of a certificate as well as a R300,00 Hirsch’s gift voucher.”  


Said Lizelle Dawkins, her Employer, who entered her for the competition: “Catherine has been working for me for 14 years and has been the cornerstone of our family.  She started out as a part-time Domestic and became our full-time Nanny when my eldest was born – being able to cope with her chores as well.  She is a pillar in her community and does counselling with children at her church. She is  part of our family and truly deserves this award.”


Continued Brunette:  “In addition to the Awards, the Course material covers the basics of home cleaning and care – and we also take the opportunity to practically demonstrate the correct use of various appliances.  The course is always fun, informative and educational – and we expose the Domestics to the various cleaning materials available at Hirsch’s for use in the home.”


At the close of the course, each Domestic was presented with a lovely certificate which they proudly received.